More stuff that everyone and their dog has written about before:
In the last post I said that most NPCs in D&D should not have ability scores. By this, I don't mean that we shouldn't bother writing them down, I mean that they should not have them at all. Ability scores in D&D are not the same as characteristics in
RuneQuest (RQ). In RQ, every living thing is statted out just like a PC because in RQ characteristics are a measure of something ‘real’. A Dragon’s STR can be
compared directly to that of a PC. In D&D monsters do not have ability scores. If a monster needs only a
bare stat line, so does an NPC, though they might have rich, complex histories and
In most versions of D&D, education does not raise INT,
weight training does not raise STR, an improved diet does not raise CON. One of
the weaknesses of thinking about D&D ability scores as a measure of
something ‘real’ in the game world is that if, for example, we rationalising low
CON as being the result of a PC’s obesity, a PCs CON score should be pretty
mutable, changing with diet and exercise. If we treat D&D ability scores as
representations of a Platonic ideal of the PC, the CON score will remain the
same for the entire life of the PC. We might change the PC’s ability score
modifiers though...