Wednesday, 24 June 2015

More on the Reaction Roll

I've been clear that the Reaction Roll is one of most valuable bits of Classic D&D. I'm not that fussed about how you resolve combat, tasks, character advancement etc., but I do think that having a simple means of freeing the DM from determining NPC reactions is something that every game could benefit from.

While browsing the other day I found this post, from late last year, by Alex Chalk of To Distant Lands, in which he breaks down the procedure for determining reactions into the Reaction Roll, a consideration of Interests, and modifiers for Disposition.

I need to get myself my own header. Well, in fact, my blogs need a total design overhaul.

Rather than repeat his work, you should check it out HERE. It is very likely to make it onto my GM summary sheets.


  1. Let me point you to
    and have you look at his 52 Pages (download from the sidebar) and look at page 34 "First Meetings". There is a very nice chart comparing the 2d6 reaction roll to the 2d6 morale roll, with advice for modifiers as well.

    1. Point away, point away!

      I do like the two 'axis' table utilising both 2d6 rolls, creating a 3 by 3 table of possible reaction 'types'. That certainly is something to adopt. I have used the Morale Roll in an ad hoc way to determine what an NPC will do - how bold will they be - when a 'hostile' reaction is rolled. But I like this systemisation of that kind of idea.

  2. Thanks for this - I missed Alex's original post and this is really helpful. I've also always liked the Reaction role, for no other reason that it can keep you on your toes as a DM because even you aren't sure what will happen next...
